Links: https://www.palloliitto.fi/helsinki, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPL_Helsingin_piiri
Het District Helsinki van de Finse Voetbalbond (SPL Helsingin Piiri) organiseert alles rondom voetbal in en om Helsinki.
De afdeling werd opgericht in 1924 en is hiermee meteen het oudste District van de Finse voetbalbond. Eind 2009 waren 137 verenigingen en bijna 15.000 voetballers lid van de Helsingin Piiri. Het District Helsinki ondersteunt en organiseert zowel prestatievoetbal als recreatie voetbal.
Helsinki FA doet met haar U16 selectie voor het eerst Boekelo aan en is de 2e Finse deelnemer ooit, na FC Honka in 2012.
Suomen Palloliitto Helsingin piiri, commonly referred to as SPL Helsingin piiri or SPL Helsinki, is the governing body for football in Helsinki.
The association was founded on 9 January 1924 and is the oldest District Football Association in Finland. Since 1970 the organsisation has only covered the city of Helsinki when the 13 surrounding municipalities formed the new SPL Keski-Uusimaa (which was later to become part of SPL Uusimaa). On 31 December 2009 SPL Helsinki had 137 member clubs and 14,034 registered players. The District’s mission statement seeks to enable all to enjoy soccer at their respective ability levels and in a variety of roles. The District supports its members needs and demand for football on both a competitive and recreational basis as well as providing supporting services for its membership.
Helsinki FA makes their debut in Boekelo and is just the second Finish participant in 24 years, after FC Honka in 2012.
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