In this submenu, we have collected all the relevant visitor information as entry fees, timeschedule, facilities, food and drinks, etc.
The BSC Unisson B tournament (U16), edition 25
The 25th edition of the annual International BSC Unisson B-tournament, for (professional) soccer players under 16, will take place on Saturday May 19 till Monday May 21, 2018 at Sportpark De Zweede, Boekelosestraat 275 in Boekelo, the Netherlands.
Teams 2018
At the end of november 2017 the first five teams, in addition to the organizing team of BSC Unisson, have been contracted for the 25th edition of the International BSC Unisson U16 tournament on May 19 till May 21 2018.
The winner of a last edition may come and defend their titel. The winner of last year’s tournament and two-times winner, the Danish Randers Freja FC have accepted this challange for 2018. The runner-up of last year, the debuting Croatian team of Lokomotiva Zagreb will also come to Boekelo. KV Mechelen from Belgium will try to improve their 2016 result as they became 4th during their first participation. With FC Twente Enschede the organization committee has contracted the neighour from Enschede. Kalmar FF is a Swedish debutant during the 25th edition in 2018.
Tournament date
In 2018, the tournament will be held on the following days:
Saturday May 19:
Official opening of the tournament at 11.00, with a.o. the presentation of the participating teams.
Matchday from 12.00 till 17.00.
Sunday May 20:
Matchday from 11.30 till 17.00.
Monday May 21:
Matchday from 10.30 till 16.00. Final at 15.10.
Click here for the schedule 2018 (available end of April 2018).
Plan your route to De Zweede
Click on the map on “meer opties” tot plan your route to BSC Unisson.
In the following screen you have to fill in an adress as starterposition (“vertrekpunt”) and therefore several alternative routes will be presented to you, from which you choose 1. You have also the opportunity to send the route to your smartphone.
Pay attention! The google map leeds you only to the beginning of the 200 meter drive (at the Boekelosestraat) to Sportaccommodation De Zweede.
Whenever the google map is not available then please click here as alternative to go directly to the site of routenet . You can find the adress of our accommodation under the header “location”.
Parking is free on Der Zweede, but free parking places are limited. Please follow therefore the instructions of the volunteers.
Entrance fee and programm booklets
Except the participants and the trainer/coachese and the sponsors and the hosting families of BSC Unisson, who have free entrance, all other visitors (including members and donors) pay entrance fees according to the price list below.
Adults (18 and older):
Passe-partout for three days: € 10,–
Passe-partout for two days: € 7,50
Saturday: € 5,–
Sunday: € 5,–
Monday: € 5,–
Youth (13 till 17):
Passe-partout for three days: € 5,–
Passe-partout for two days: € 4,–
Saturday: € 2,50
Sunday: € 2,50
Monday: € 2,50
Youth (till 12):
Free entrance.
Programm booklets:
The full color program booklets, including pictures of the participating teams are for sale for € 2,- at the entrance(s).

Other activities
Food and drinks
Of course we offer you drinks and snacks in and near our canteen. In addition we also offer (non-)alcoholic drinks in our famous beercarroussell.
The secretariat is established for many yaers in a trailer, provided by Traffic School Brünen. You find the trailer just behind mainfield 1. You can also have a message broadcasted here.
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